Follow up notes

Please complete the survey if you attended the workshop!

Data storage

  • Evernote or Microsoft OneNote: apps for field and lab notebooks, easy scans, version control

  • GPS tracks and Avenza: allow you to track your route, drop pins for waypoints, upload pictures of field notebooks at each point

  • Field Note app (for iPads?): alternative to survey123 for field data collection

  • 7-zip: passcode protect sensitive data in a .zip file

General tips for data collection and storage

  • specify the units in which you are collecting measurements!
  • make yourself a field journal with some prompts that you can fill in at the end of the day
    • make this even easier by making it a Google form for yourself? Notion page?
    • potential prompts
      • what was the weather like?
      • what did you work on today?
      • what did you forget that you need to bring with you?
  • if moving things around, be adjust viewing/editing permissions (if they have changed between one folder to another)

General tips for data cleaning/processing

General tips for data entry and checking

General tips for updating results

  • create an outline in Quarto or RMarkdown of your stats outputs to refer to when you’re writing your paper!